Music Centers Boost Engagement
I've said it before & I'll say it again: Centers are awesome!
They boost engagement, offer opportunities to assess in authentic ways, are easily differentiated, and are simply fun!
Boosting Engagement
You plan incredible lessons; welcoming activities, incredible content through songs, and assessments. Give yourself a round of applause because that's amazing! And despite all that, sometimes kids tune out. Maybe it is because they didn't sleep well or had a problem with a friend, but either way, when they're in your class...that can be the highlight of their day!
So, play games! Solve musical puzzles! Dance, color, and sing songs such as "Apple Tree, Apple Tree"
My students are loving "Pass the Pumpkin" which is a circle games in which kids pass a pumpkin (or an orange scarf, egg shaker, or similar object) on the beat while singing a simple minor melody.Authentic Assessment
When students are engaged in independent center activities, I am free to walk around and watch. Sometimes there are kids who need help, but often you're free to assess students. I used to collect worksheets completed during centers, but then it hit me; I could be at a center!
And hello Solfege, Singing, Sight reading, or rhythm exercises! These pumpkin-themed assessments are so stinkin' cute and I'm obsessed!
Activities such as "Write the Room" are easy ways to offer autonomy to students eager for a challenge while others can opt to work with a partner. For students who want to be tactile, dice are a fun addition to your centers. This Rosh Hashanah Roll & Compose" is fun & offers an opportunity to celebrate the High Jewish Holidays.
When it all comes down to it, centers are just fun. The frequent rotations for movement, the tangible items to interact with, and the massive amounts of giggles brought on by games...centers are just enjoyable.
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